Welcome to Orca Filters October 12 2014
Hello and welcome to our new website. EZCleanFilter is now OrcaFilters.com and we are working on delivering an upgraded line of re-usable filters for a range of pool, spa and ShopVac applications.
We have temporarily halted production on our reusable, cleanable, green filters to allow us to improve our design. Consequently, we are not taking orders at this time. As we ramp up production, we will start with manufacture of Type and A and B filters and expect to be able to deliver product by March 2015. If you would like to be notified when we resume taking orders, please send email and indicate what size filter you will need.
We really appreciate your patience and recommend you check back for updates - we will keep you posted on our progress as we ramp production. If you have questions or recommendations for us, again, please send us email and we will be back in touch with pronto!