
B Filter Availability July 30 2015

Hey Filter Fans,

Just received word today that our B Filter should be ready around August 20. Assuming all goes well with the first shot testing, we are going to start taking orders for it on August 20.

Take care,

Orca Sales

New screen-loading video July 19 2015

Hey Folks,

We created a new video that describes how to effectively load a screen into the Orca Filter.  Check it out on:


B Filter Availability July 18 2015

Hey Filter Folks,

We have some great news for you.  We are proceeding with manufacture of the B filter and expect to have shippable product at the end of August.

I know, the season's almost over but we will have it for the tail end of the season and next year. We will start taking orders a week before its available. We have a 3D printed model which is being tested with a customer at the moment so when that comes back, we will be able to loan that out for other people to test. Contact us if you would like to test it.

Keep cool, 

Orca Sales

Interest in a B-Size filter May 14 2015

Hey Guys,

We have a prototype B filter that we are currently testing with a customer.  We would be really interested in hearing what the level of interest is for this size.  If you can please contact us and let us know if you are interested so we can gauge demand.  If we were going to go to production we would be looking at a July release.

Also we would like to hear from you if you are using our filters and find out how they are performing. Please leave us feedback on our feedback forum at the bottom of the A or C product page here.

The Orca Team

Second Production Run April 22 2015

Hey Filter Fans, just a quick note to let you know we have started our second production run for A/C filters. We have had a good response so far to our updated product and want to make sure we have enough inventory to ship as the season ramps up.  

In other news, we created our FaceBook page this week so that s operational.  Be sure to stop in on it and 'Like' it for us, it can be found here:

In yet other news, we have a video we thought we would share with you of the cores for the filter being made.

Pretty cool huh?  We want to include you in all our evolution of the product so stay tuned to see our next installment.

The Orca Team

Orca Filters are here! March 20 2015

Hey Everyone, we received our first batch of production filters today from our manufacturer. We are VERY pleased with the results and we are ready to ship a limited number of filters. We will update the store to accept orders in the next few days. We have managed to take some cost out of our product and are pleased to pass on the savings to you - we are reducing our pricing to $44.95.  

As a special introductory offer to celebrate our new product launch, we are making a special limited time offer of $39.95  for the first 250 customers. Step right up and purchase the meanest, greenest filter you'll ever never need to buy - in fact, its the last Easy-Set filter you'll ever need to buy!


Product Update Status - All good and on track for a March release January 26 2015

Hello Folks,

We just wanted to give you an update on our new filter design.  Things are proceeding well and we recently completed the final prototype review and validation and our tooling is in process.  We have also performed some additional performance testing on the prototype product and it has past with flying colors.  

We are still on track to be able to ship products in late March so we are very excited.

We expect to start taking orders in early March and start shipping product just in time for the start of the summer.

Stay tuned, 

The Orca Team

Happy Thanksgiving November 28 2014

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  We are busy finalizing our new design and expect to have prototypes completed by January.  Check back for updates.

Welcome to Orca Filters October 12 2014

Hello and welcome to our new website. EZCleanFilter is now and we are working on delivering an upgraded line of re-usable filters for a range of pool, spa and ShopVac applications.  

We have temporarily halted production on our reusable, cleanable, green filters to allow us to improve our design.  Consequently, we are not taking orders at this time.  As we ramp up production, we will start with manufacture of Type and A and B filters and expect to be able to deliver product by March 2015.  If you would like to be notified when we resume taking orders, please send email and indicate what size filter you will need.

We really appreciate your patience and recommend you check back for updates - we will keep you posted on our progress as we ramp production.  If you have questions or recommendations for us, again, please send us email and we will be back in touch with pronto!